Week 42: Sidelying Hip Adduction
Week 41: Standing Hip Internal Rotation Stretch
Week 40: Copenhagen Plank Variation: Modified Hip Lift
Week 39: Scapular Depression Isometrics
Week 38: Seated Head Nods for Deep Neck Flexor Activation
Week 37: Copenhagen Plank Variation - Isometric Hip Adduction on Ball
Week 36: Side Plank on Feet
Week 35: Resisted Trunk Rotation in Mini Hip Hinge
Week 34: Isometric Shoulder External Rotation Walkouts
Week 33: Tall Kneeling Cable Chop
Week 32: Half Kneeling Resisted Trunk Rotation with Knee Press
Week 31: Isolated Thoracic Rotation in Mini Hip Hinge
Week 30: Single Leg Heel Raises - Medial/Lateral Foot Bias
Week 29: Double Leg Slalom Pogo Hops
Week 28: Alternating Retro Lunge with Kettlebell
Week 27: Isolated Pelvic Rotation/Hip Shift
Week 26: Split Squat Anti-Rotation Press
Week 25: Kickstand Deadlift
Week 24: Farmer Deadlift
Week 23: Wall Sits